a little about us

Hi, we're Anne and Ryan

More than a decade ago, we promised each other the world. Literally. We wanted nothing more than to see it all, but, probably just like you, found ourselves seeing more of our desks instead. One day, we said. 

Then, after years of dreaming and serious scheming, we did it. We bought the one way ticket to the rest of our lives. 

We don't travel for the 'gram or the glory. We travel to experience the world. To head down its winding alleys, meet its locals and share a laugh together. To seek out art and culture thriving around every corner, and dive into it with reckless abandon. 

We look for adventure hiding in unlikely places. Find us lost in a Malaysian jungle, lost in Sri Lanka with our tuktuk Darrell or lost in Paris searching for the best croissant. We have a map, but where's the adventure in that?

We're setting out to see the world and get a little lost along the way.

want to know us a little better? 
read the bucket list




We work. It's as simple as that. We're both fortunate to have had successful careers before heading out on this big adventure and we've leveraged those skills into freelance work. 

find our more about how we work


@gosquab wherever we play:

Anne and Ryan are nerds